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Williamsville School District

Tradition of Excellence


Williamsville School District

Tradition of Excellence

Williamsville School District

Tradition of Excellence

Williamsville School District

Tradition of Excellence

Announcements and Important Events


Posted 1 year ago @ 8:26AM

Williamsville High School and Williamsville Junior High to host Veterans Day Celebrations

We are excited to welcome the Veterans of our community, along with the family and friends of our

students, to the WCUSD #15 Auditorium on the campus of Williamsville High School, for our annual Veterans Day Celebrations on Friday, November 10.


Please see the schedule below for the three performances throughout the day on Friday:


Williamsville High School: 9:00 am (doors open at 8:30 am)

Williamsville Junior High School (7th and 8th Grade): 1:15 pm (doors open at 12:45 pm)

Williamsville Junior High School (5th and 6th Grade): 2:15 pm (doors open at 1:45 pm).


In order to make everyone’s visit as enjoyable as possible, please see the auditorium entrance guide below. Doors to the auditorium will open approximately a half hour before each performance.

If you have any additional questions regarding these events, you can contact one of the following individuals:


Doug Furlow at (Williamsville High School Principal)

Clay Shoufler at (Williamsville Junior High School Principal)

Kristy Cole at (Williamsville Junior High Choir Director)


We are excited to welcome you into our new facilities and look forward to continuing to partner with the community in all the new opportunities that these new additions will provide.

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