Williamsville School District
Tradition of Excellence
Announcements and Important Events
Posted 5.0 months ago @ 12:41PM
We are excited to welcome the community residents and staff of Williamsville Community Unit School District #15 in being able to utilize the facilities across the district. Beginning on Monday, August 12, 2024, individuals can submit a request to utilize any of the facilities across the district. Requests will be able to be made one month in advance of the requested date.
Requests will be reviewed on a first come first serve bases weekly on Tuesdays. Facilities will be available as long as they are not being used by teams and activities that are officially associated with WCUSD #15. In the event of inclement weather, teams and activities that are officially associated with WCUSD #15 will get scheduling priority, and prior requests approved for outside organizations will be cancelled.
Requests for facility usage can be made at the following link: https://forms.gle/HzhHhywxFyzKNZiy6
We are excited to welcome you into our facilities and look forward to continuing to partner with the community in all the opportunities that our facilities will provide.
Any additional questions regarding facility usage can be found in the WCUSD #15Facility Use Policy and Agreement at this link: https://bit.ly/3yyXI5k , or by contacting the district athletic and activity office.