Williamsville School District
Tradition of Excellence
CoEd Varsity Music
Team News.
1 year ago @ 9:56AM
The WCUSD #15 Fine Arts Department will be hosting a camp for all Williamsville High School Band students during the first week of August. The camp will take place across the campus of Williamsville High School during the following times:
Monday, July 31 through Friday, August 4
8:00 AM – 12:00 PM: Paul Jenkins Field
12:00 PM – 4:30 PM: Williamsville High School Band Room.
The camp will conclude with a premier performance on Friday, August 4 at 6:00 PM at Paul Jenkins Field on the campus of Williamsville High School. This performance will be free and open to the public.
If you have any additional questions regarding the high school band camp or how to become more involved with the band program at WCUSD #15, please contact Head Band Director, Aaron Gosnell at gosnell@wcusd15.org.
1 year ago @ 9:53AM
The WCUSD #15 Fine Arts Department will be hosting a beginner’s band camp for new band students in fifth and sixth grade throughout the month of July. The camp will take place in the band room at Williamsville Junior High School during the following times:
Monday, July 10 through Friday, July 14
8:00 – 9:20 AM: Flutes, Oboe, Trumpets, and French Horns
9:30 – 10:50 AM: Clarinets, Trombones, and Baritones
11:00 AM – 12:20 PM: Saxophones and Percussion
Monday, July 17 through Friday, July 21
8:00 – 9:20 AM: Flutes, Oboe, Trumpets, and French Horns
9:30 – 10:50 AM: Clarinets, Trombones, and Baritones
11:00 AM – 12:20 PM: Saxophones and Percussion
Monday, July 24 and Tuesday, July 25
8:00 – 9:20 AM: Flutes, Oboe, Trumpets, and French Horns
9:30 – 10:50 AM: Clarinets, Trombones, and Baritones
11:00 AM – 12:20 PM: Saxophones and Percussion
Wednesday, July 26 through Friday, July 28
10:00 AM – 12:00 PM: Full Band
Friday, July 28
6:30 PM: Premier Concert in the Williamsville High School Auditorium.
If you have any additional questions regarding the beginner’s band camp or how to become more involved with the band program at WCUSD #15, please contact Head Band Director, Aaron Gosnell at gosnell@wcusd15.org.